2020年 冰島老寨 – 頂級春茶(400g) Bingdao Lao Zhai – Premium Spring Tea
NT$ 150,000
冰島老寨 雲南最珍貴之古樹茶。而冰島古樹茶分別代表著冰島茶區五個茶寨。分別為:老寨、地界、南迫、壩歪、糯伍。冰島五寨言勐庫大河分為東西半山。因地理位置的不同,冰島五寨各自擁有獨特風味。冰島老寨為冰島五寨之最,集其餘四寨「香、甜、滑、韻」於一身,並帶著奇特冰糖香氣,茶湯入口冰島五寨特色勻稱的在口中展現,特淑茶香在鼻腔中迸發,感受冰島老寨的獨特魅力。
2020 Bingdao Lao Zhai – Premium Spring Tea
Bingdao Lao Zhai is one of the most precious GuShu teas in Yunnan. Bingdao GuShu tea represents five tea villages in the Bingdao tea region: Lao Zhai, Dijie, Nanpo, Bawai, and Nuowu. These five villages are separated by the Mengku River into the eastern and western mountains, and each village has a unique flavor due to its geographic location. Lao Zhai is the finest among the five villages, embodying the “fragrance, sweetness, smoothness, and charm” of the other four villages, with a unique rock sugar aroma. When sipped, the balanced characteristics of Bingdao’s five villages unfold in the mouth, and the refined tea fragrance bursts in the nasal passages, showcasing the distinctive allure of Bingdao Lao Zhai.
2020年 氷島老寨 – 最高級春茶