NT$ 8,000
壩糯 – 藤條
「壩糯-藤條」嚴選雲南省政府認證之有機茶園示範區, 樹齡三百年以上之藤條古樹精製而成,藤條茶因特殊的摘採方式讓蜜香馥郁且茶湯果膠質感豐厚,茶湯飲盡後杯底香持久豐厚,口感層次飽滿、尾韻的蜜香味讓人回味無窮。
Ban Nuo – Rattan Tea
The Ban Nuo tea area is located on the eastern half of the Mengku tea region in Lincang City, Yunnan Province. Like the famous tea area “Xigui” in Bangdong, Ban Nuo is renowned as one of the top regions for rattan-style tea.
“Rattan-style tea is due to a unique harvesting method from the Ming and Qing dynasties. This approach not only ensures the yield and harvesting safety of tea trees but also supports the maintenance and health of the trees.”
Ban Nuo – Rattan Tea is carefully selected from an organic tea garden demonstration zone certified by the Yunnan Provincial Government and is crafted from ancient rattan tea trees over 300 years old. Due to its special harvesting method, rattan tea is rich in honey like aroma and has a thick, pectin-like texture in the tea infusion. After drinking, the lingering aroma in the cup is long-lasting and full-bodied, with a rich and layered taste, leaving an unforgettable honeyed aftertaste.
Yibaotang and Gongchang Tea Inc. have meticulously selected Ban Nuo – Rattan, representing this unique tea-producing area. With its distinct flavor profile, it is well worth savoring and collecting.
藝宝堂と恭嘗茶業が厳選した藤条茶の代表的な茶区「壩糯 – 藤条」、その独特な風味をぜひお楽しみいただけたら,光栄です。
藝寶堂與恭嘗茶業嚴選藤條茶代表茶區”壩糯 – 藤條”,茶品風味特殊,值得您品飲收藏。